Outdoor advertising
Volumetric letters
Light Boxes
Advertising totems
LED lighting
Production, Installation
About Us

рекламна табела

Advertising totems. Billboards.

Art Electronic Ltd. manufactures advertising totems and illuminated advertising signboards. We also design and install billboards. We offer LED lighting for billboards and outdoor advertising.

Advertising totem:"София Ауто"

Technology: Aluminum construction with aluminum sheathing. Transparent Plexiglas letters and logos, foil appliqu?d;
Illumination: Luminescent lamps;
Location: Sofia;

Advertising totem:"Фитнес Кондор"

Technology: Metal construction with Etalbond sheathing. Transparent Plexiglas letters and logos, foil appliqu?d;
Illumination: Luminescent lamps;
Client: Condor Fitness;
Location: Sofia;

Advertising totem:"Строителен хипермаркет BORO"

Technology: Metal construction with Etalbond sheathing, open LEDs volumetric;
Illumination: LED;
Location: Sofia;

Advertising totem:"Indication-firms"

Technology: Metal construction with aluminum sheathing, cut illuminant inscription;
Illumination: Luminescent lamps;
Location: Sofia;

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    (+359)897 959 994